Sunday, June 14, 2015

2014-12-21 Merry Christmas From Jinan

From Carolyn's Letters Home:

Sunday December 21, 2014
Dearest Family and Friends,
How are you?  We are very proud of your accomplishments and the wonderful children, parents and grandchildren you are.  We feel blessed to be part of your lives. 
Richard and I have had a good week.  He is almost finished with his unit “What it means to be Human.”  As an attorney, his classes went deeper and were more legalistic than mine.  I’m very proud of him for being able to take this important topic and inspire his students to think at that level.  When does life begin?  When does it end?  Who decides?  Will they?
I have now listened to approximately 500 recitations of the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost.  Fortunately, I love this poem and am grateful that almost 500 students at SDU can now recite it for memory.  They were graded for memory, pronunciation and feeling.  Richard came to one of my classes and recorded a few of them.  At times, their recitations brought me to tears.  I hope that this poem will help them in their future choices as it has for mine. 
We had a fun time shopping for cardstock paper and printer cartridges yesterday.   We enjoyed eating noodles at an eatery near the Central Campus and would have stayed longer, but it was very cold.  Today, Sunday, is also cold.  I’m grateful for the heat that we have in our apartment.  Some rooms are warmer than other, but we do have blankets and jackets and in a few weeks, after Harbin (Brrrr) and Beijing, we will be heading south to much warmer weather and exciting travel adventures!  When we return at the end of February, it should be much warmer in Jinan.
As I am sitting at my Chinese desk, my thoughts are drifting to Christmases in America with our families.  I’ve been trying to remember a time when I didn’t have family (other than my husband) for the holidays.  Since I didn’t go on a mission, I can’t think of any.  This year, especially, I’m grateful to have Richard, our Jinan church group and our China Virtual Branch to share this season of love and good will.  Today, we enjoyed a beautiful sacrament meeting with scriptures and musical numbers about the Savior’s birth.  I am attaching the program for you.  As you will see, participants were from all across China.  I grateful that I could share the song “Angels We Have Heard on High” on my violin.  Gloria, in Excelsis Deo!  
Many years ago, with the help of my daughter Liz, I wrote a children’s song, “Christmas Love.”  The words are:
“In a manger far away, the infant Jesus humbly lay, and the stars shown round and the moon looked down, and they all were made by Him.
Mary held her baby fair, Joseph watched with tender care, and the cattle lowed, and the sheep knelt down, and they all were made by Him.
Children sing the carols clear, fathers, mothers everywhere, sing of Jesus’ birth, and His love for us, for we All were made by Him.”
This little baby’s birth and life would and still does change the world.  I am grateful for Him and grateful to know that He knows and loves me, individually and personally and accepts me with my faults and shortcomings and wants me to come to Him.  May we all come closer to our Savior this Christmas.  He is the Reason for the Season!
Merry Christmas to you All!  We love you!

Mom, Carolyn, Grandma, Richard, Dad, Grandpa

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